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Domingo por la tarde - Sunday afternoon

Posted by
Urech (Madrid, Spain) on 29 April 2017 in Lifestyle & Culture and Portfolio.

En los alrededores del actual estadio Santiago Bernabéu numerosos madrileños pasaban la tarde del domingo al aire libre. En aquellos años el recinto futbolístico estaba en medio del campo, cercano a algunas fincas de recreo, en un escenario que nada tiene que ver con los grandes edificios de viviendas y oficinas que actualmente lo rodean. Hacia 1948.

In the surroundings of the current Santiago Bernabéu stadium, many locals spent Sunday afternoon outdoors. In those years the football precinct was in the middle of the field, close to some recreational properties, in a scenario that has nothing to do with the large residential buildings and offices that currently surround it. Towards 1948.

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Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

A wonderful moment in Time . . fascinating to see.

29 Apr 2017 7:28am

@Ronnie 2¢: Thank you very much Ronnie.

Don from Spokane, United States

This is a very good "people" sho of fokls enjoying Sunday afternoon. I like this black and white version.

29 Apr 2017 1:17pm

@Don: Thank you Don.

L'Angevine from Angers, France

bel effet

30 Apr 2017 7:04am

Aminus3 Discover from United States

Thanks for contributing your story to Aminus3 Discover. It has been posted here

1 May 2017 7:38am

Miguel Villegas II from Spain

Fotografía muy bonita y descriptiva.

2 May 2017 9:11am